ゴードン・ペダーセン博士(Dr. Gordon Pedersen)の解説です。
"Our findings bring new insight into the relationship between a history of high blood pressure, blood pressure in old age, the effects of blood pressure on brain structure and memory and thinking." said study researcher Lenore Launer, chief of neuroepidemiology at the U.S. National institute on Aging.
History of high blood pressure appears to be the critical element in the link between blood pressure in old age and brain function, according to the study, published online June 4 in Neurology, 2014
The researchers found that those who had high blood pressure in middle age but low diastolic pressure - the bottom of two readings - in later life had brain shrinkage. And they scored 10 percent lower on memory tasks
中年期に高血圧で、拡張期血圧(最小血圧)が低かった人、いわゆる、上下ある血圧数値の下の方の数字が低かった人は、その後の人生で脳の収縮が起こり、記憶テストの結果は10パーセント、成績が劣りました。 言い換えると、血圧の上下差が大きいとリスクがあるということです。
Meanwhile, those without high blood pressure in middle who had high diastolic pressure in later life were 50 percent more likely to have severe brain lesions that whose with low diastolic pressure.
ゴードン・ペダーセン博士(Dr. Gordon Pedersen)のプロフィール
適正な血圧の上下差。血圧は高い、低いだけを見るだけではダメ - 糖尿病の治療と予防ナビ.com